Specific Accidents
Construction Accidents
New York law provides construction workers a great deal of protection when they are injured on the job or at a construction site. The New York Legislature has designed laws that protect workers from elevation related injuries such as falling off a ladder and/or scaffold, as well as numerous unsafe work related incidents. Owners and general contractors are often held strictly liable for injuries to workers who work at unsafe job sites and/or are not provided with proper safety equipment. The law provides compensation for lost wages, future loss wages, pain and suffering and medical expenses. Call the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation. Our attorneys use to defend construction companies in these accidents so they know what to do to be successful.

Auto/Motorcycle Accidents
Each year, thousands of New Yorkers are injured in auto accidents and motorcycle accidents. Many of these accidents are preventable. According to NYPD records in 2013 there were close to 50,000 traffic injuries In New York City; the Bronx had over 8,000 traffic injuries and over 45 fatalities The law provides very specific and time sensitive requirements upon victims who seek recovery for the injuries resulting from auto accidents and/or motorcycle accidents. At the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP, we are well versed in these requirements and look forward to helping you navigate the journey to good health and fair compensation. Call the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation.
Ceiling Collapse
Victims injured due to ceiling collapses can often bring a successful claim against their landlords for lost wages, pain and suffering and medical expenses. Ceiling collapses can occur if there is a leak above the ceiling, or some sort of construction/repair negligence. New York law will allow for a successful claim where the landlord knew or should have known of the problem that led to the ceiling collapse and/or when the landlord (or someone working on his behalf) performed a negligent repair that led to the ceiling collapse. Call the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP, at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation. We have successfully litigated many ceiling collapse cases throughout New York City.

Dog Bites
The law provides for strict liability against owners and landlords who house dogs that injure people. If you are injured by a dog and are able to show that the owner of the dog and/or the landlord of the building knew or should have known of the dog’ vicious propensities, you are entitled to recover the entirety of your lost wages, pain and suffering and medical expenses. Call the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation. Our office specializes in handling dog attack/ dog bite(s) cases.
Sidewalk Accidents "Slip/Trip and Fall"
Broken, cracked and otherwise defective sidewalks are responsible for thousands of injuries each year. Depending on the specific circumstances of your case, either the municipality or the abutting landowner may be responsible for the condition of the sidewalk. In either situation, we will aggressively pursue your claim against the responsible party. Call the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP,” at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation.

Staircase Accidents
Falls down dangerous stairwells can cause significant injuries. In the City of New York, the Building Code governs the safety of all aspects of a stairway including the steps, handrail, and lighting. If you are able to show that a Building Code violation caused your fall down the stairs you may recover lost wages, pain and suffering and medical expenses from the owner of the building. Call the Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation.
Medical / Dental Malpractice
Medical / Dental malpractice is the negligence of a doctor, dentist, hospital, or other health care provider. Negligence is doing something that a reasonably prudent doctor would not do under the circumstances, or failing to do something that a reasonably prudent doctor would do under the circumstances. In order to prove a doctor or hospital was negligent, it must be shown by expert opinion that the doctor or hospital deviated or departed from accepted medical or hospital practice. Unfortunately, there are times when doctors do not perform to these standards and make mistakes that results in injury or even death to the patient. Call The Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP., at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation.

Defective Products
Unfortunately, manufacturers often produce substandard or unsafe products. If you or a loved one is injured or killed by a defective product, you can bring a claim against the manufacturer and seller of the product. If the product is found to be “defective” the manufacturer and retailer will be held “strictly liable” for your damages. Furthermore, the manufacturer and/or retailer may be held liable for breaching an implied warranty that the product was reasonably safe, or for failure to warn of the danger. Call The Law Office of Daniel Levy, LLP., at 718-684-2530 for a free evaluation.